Word Challenge: HAGIOGRAPHY (I hope I don't write this kind of book!) see end of post for explanation
These 100+ degree days of summer, known as the dog days of summer, remind me of a friend's new picture book called The Twelve Dog Days of New York by Maritha Burmeister. Beautifully illustrated, the book introduces its young readers to twelve breeds of dogs all at noted New York landmarks. If you have a child in your life, this is a great book to buy. See http://www.amazon.com/ for purchase.
Research on Martin De Leon seems rather tedious at the moment--trying to correlate his life events to history, such as the changing of the fortress La Bahia's name to Goliad, an anagram of Hidalgo, the priest whose "grito" started Mexico's long struggle for independence from Spain.
"Hagiography" means a worshipful or idealizing biography.
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